
The Midnight visitor

 Q) Briefly describe how Ausable defeat Max's scheme to take away the report. = Ausable was a secret agent who stayed in  a  French   hotel. On  the  other  hand Max  also  was  a   gypsy   who   entered Ausable's     room     without    Ausable's knowledge   to    have    the     important document     concerning     some      new missiles. Max entered his room with the help of  a  passkey. As   soon as   Ausable meets   Max   he  began  to  give  a   long lecture about   the   balcony. He tried  to make  Max   believe   that   there   was a balcony     behind     the     window.   But actually   there   was   not   any   balcony behind the window  against  which   the night   was   pressing   quickly.  Ausable took out  the  matter  about the window in  their conversation  again  and  again. At last  Max  began to take it true. When the  door  was knocked   at  by  a  waiter, Ausable told  him  that there  might be a police. Max believed it and went to the window to  hide

Nelson Mandela : Long Walk to Freedom

  Q) State whether the following are true or false: a) Nelson Mandela spent twenty years in prison. = False b) On the day of the inauguration , two national anthems were sung. = True c) On the day of the inauguration Mandela was accompanied by his daughter Zenani. = True d) Thabo Mbeki was sworn in as the second deputy president. = False e) The policy of apartheid created lasting peace in Mandela's Country. = False f) On the day of inauguration Mandela was overwhelmed with a sense of history. =true g) On the podium, Mr. de Klerk was first sworn in as the first Deputy President. = False h) On the day of the inauguration, Mandela was overwhelmed with a sense of freedom. = False i)The inauguration was for the installation of South Africa's first democratic, non racial government. = True J) The inauguration took place on 10th May 1992. = False k) Nelson Mandela had a great respect for a host of great men of characters like Oliver Tambos, Walter Sisulus, Chief Luthulis and so. = Tru

Letter to friend

  Letter writing for SEBA students of class IX and X.  The most and common informal letters for the students of HSLC Examination. Q.1) Write a letter to your best friend telling him / her about your daily life. Ans:- Riki Gargaon                                                      22nd April, 2021 My Dear Friend I have not received any letter from you for a long time. I think you are very busy in your studies. Today I have written this letter to tell you about my daily life. You know that I am always late in the morning. I get up at quite 6 o' clock and go to my reading table at 6:15. My mother gives me a cup of tea in the table. After studying one and half an hour I take my bath and start for school at quite 8:30 after taking my breakfast. Our school breaks up at 2:30 and I reach home at quite 3 o' clock. I take rest for some time and then go to play with my neighbourhood friends. In the evening I go to our Namghar with my grandfather for prayers. I go to my reading table at

Make sentence for HSLC

 Make sentences with the following 1. H.S.L.C.  (1998) a) Take over:- The charge of the meeting has been taken over to him. b) As well as c) Come round:- May Rani come round                                  soon from her illness. d)No sooner than:- No sooner had she                                          seen me than she                                            began to weep. e) Fall out:- Pahi and I fell out after a                              long argument. f) In no time:- You must be here in no                                  time. 2. H.S.L.C.    (1999) a) Make out:- She made me out the sum. b) For good:- He will give up smoking for good. c) Neither...nor:-  I like neither coffee                                         nor tea. d) Run over:- The little boy ran over the dead snake. e) At times :- At times I feel very lonely. f) As soon as:- Do it as soon as possible. 3. H.S.L.C    (2000) a) In no time:-  You must be here in no                                   time. b) Bring up

What is the format of notice

 1)Suppose you are the literary secretary of your college . Your college is going to organize an inter class Quiz Competition. Now draft a notice in not more than fifty words informing the students about the competition in details.       RADHAKRISHNAN COLLEGE NOTICE 28 TH August 2023 ( An Educational Trip to Delhi )   It is notified to all the students of Radhakrishnan College that our college has organized AN EDUCATIONAL TRIP TO DELHI on the first week of November 2023. It would be a week long tour by train. The journey will be started in the midnight of 2 nd November 2023. The students who want to join the trip are hereby requested to give their names to the undersigned by or on 20 th September 2023 . For further information contact Dipak Chakial sir.   Gautam Literary Secretary                                                                                                          

A letter to God question answer

  Choose the correct option from the alternatives given below. Choose the correct alternative from the choices given below. 1.Lencho went up to the window to ask for... a) paper and ink b)paper and pen c) some money d) None of them Ans:- a) paper and ink 2. The post master was --- a) short and amiable b) fat and amiable c) fat and intelligent d)tall and amiable Ans:- b) fat and amiable 3. Lencho had profound faith in---- a) the post master b) the postman c) God d) his wife Ans:- c) God 4.Lencho wrote a letter to..... a) the almighty b) his friends c) the postmaster d) none of them Ans:- a) almighty 5.The only thing the earth needed was........... a) a breeze b) a storm c) a downpour  d) some fertiliser Ans:- c) a downpour 6. Who knew his field intimately ? a) Lencho's wife b) Lencho's boys c) God d) Lencho Ans:- d) Lencho 7.The field of ripe corn dotted with the flowers always promise......... a) a bad harvest b) an excess harvest c) a good harvest d) all of the above Ans:- c)

The Fun They Had

 Answer the questions in a few words or a couple of sentences each. 1. How old are Margie and Tommy ? = Margie was eleven years old and tommy was thirteen years old. 2. What did Margie write in her diary ? = Margie wrote in her diary, " Today Tommy found a real book. " 3. Had Margie ever seen a book before ? = No, Margie had never seen a book before. 4. What things about the book did Margie find strange ? = Margie found the words and sentences of the book strange because they stood still instead of moving the way on a electronic screen. 5. What do you think a telebook is ? = I think telebook is a such kind of book which is shown or displayed on  a electronic screen. 6. Where was Margie's school? Did she have classmates? = Margie's school was in her house next to her bedroom. No, Margie had not any classmate. 7) What subjects did Margie and Tommy learn? = Margie learnt the subjects Maths and Geography and Tommy learnt the subjects Maths and History. Answer the followin