1) Who is the author of the prose - piece entitled ' The Ailing Planet: the Green Movement's Role" ?
= Nani Palkhivala an Indian jurist and liberal economist is the author of the prose piece - " The Ailing Planet: the Green Movement's Role" .

2) Which animal is considered " The World's most dangerous animal" ?
= 'Man' is the animal that is considered as " The World's most dangerous animal" . 

3) Who said the tropical forest is ' the power house of evolution ' ?
= Dr Myers said the tropical forest is ' the power house of evolution '.

4) When was the world's first nation wide Green party founded ?
= The world's first nation wide Green party was founded in the year 1972.

5) Where was the world's first nation wide Green party founded ?
= The world's first nation wide Green party was founded in New Zealand.

6) Who authored ' The Global Economic Prospect' ?
= Mr. Lester R. Brown an eminent environmental analyst authored the great book ' The Global Economic Prospect ' .

7) Who was Mr. Lester R. Brown ?
= Mr. Lester R. Brown was a renowned environmental analyst who authored the famous book ' The Global Economic Prospect ' .

8) Who taught mankind that the earth and the other planets revolved round the sun ?
= The great astronomer Copernicus taught mankind that the earth and other planets revolved round the sun.

9) Who was Copernicus ? What did he teach mankind ?
= Nicolaus Copernicus was a German astronomer who formulated a model of the universe that placed the Sun than Earth at it's center. This great astronomer taught mankind in the sixteenth century that the earth and the other planets revolved round the sun.

10) What does Article 48A of the Indian Constitution stand for ?
= Article 48A of the Indian Constitution stands for that " The State shall endeavour to protect and improve the environment and to safeguard the forests and wildlife of the country" .

11) Name the distinguish Indian  personality who was a member of the famous Brandt Commission.
= Mr. L. K. Jha is the distinguish Indian personality who was a member of the famous Brandt Commission.

12) What concept was popularized by the World Commission on Environment and Development in the year 1987 ?
= The concept of sustainable development was popularized  by the World Commission on Environmental and Development in the year 1987. 

13) What was the world population around the year 1800 ? 
= The world population around the year 1800 was one billion.

14) How many years did it take mankind to reach the first billion of population in the world ?
= It took mankind one million years to reach the first billion of population in the world.

15) What is the best contraceptive ?
= Development is the best contraceptive.

16) Who was the President of  the World Resources Institute ?
= James Speth was the World Resources Institute.

17) What precedes and what follows mankind ?
= The forests precedes mankind and desert follow.

18) What does more children mean ?
= More children does not mean more workers, merely more people without work.

19) With how many species mankind shares the earth ?
= According to the scientists mankind shares the earth with 1.4 million living species.

Question answer for two marks

a) What is the concept of sustainable development ?
= The concept of sustainable development was popularised by the World Commission on Environment and Development in the year 1987. According to this commission sustainable development is a such kind of development that meets the needs of the present, without compromising the ability of the future generations to meet their needs. The present generation should not waste the natural resources so that the future generations would have to deprive of it.

b) What was pointed by Mr. Lester R. Brown in his thoughtful book entitled ' The Global Economic Prospect' ?
= Mr. Lester R. Brown in his thoughtful books ' The Global Economic Prospect ' pointed out the earth's four biological systems. They are - fisheries, forest, grasslands and croplands. These four biological systems of the earth form the foundation of the global economic system. In addition to supplying our food, these four systems provide virtually all the raw materials for the industry except minerals and petroleum.

c) What would happen when the human claims on the biological system of the earth reach unsustainable level ?
= When human claims on the biological systems of the earth reach unsustainable level, they would lose their own productivity; and in consequence  fisheries collapse, forest disappear, grasslands are converted to barren wastelands and croplands deteriorate.

d) What are the earth's principal biological systems ?
= The earth's principal biological systems are four . They are - forests, fisheries, grasslands, and croplands.

e) Why is the productivity of the earth's principal biological systems being depleted ?
= The earth's principal biological systems are four. They are fisheries, forests, grasslands and croplands. Mr Lester R. Brown points out about them in his thoughtful book " The Global Economic Prospect " . According to him these four principal biological systems of the earth form the foundation of the global economic system. In addition to supplying our food, they have been providing virtually all the raw materials for the industry except minerals and petroleum  derived synthetics.
                        Now a   days   The earth's principal biological systems are being depleted due to the excess claims of the human being on them. In large areas of the world, human claims on these systems are reaching an unsustainable level, where their own productivity is being impaired. If it continues one day fisheries would collapse, forest would disappear and grassland would convert into barren wastelands.

g) Why is man called 'the world's most dangerous animal' ?
= Man is going to destroy the earth through their thoughtless activities and deprives all other animals of the earth of their food and shelter. So, man is called the world's most dangerous animal.

h) Write a short note on the Green Movement .
= The Green Movement is the most powerful and strongest movement in the world history that aimed to save the environment of the earth. It brought a great consciousness to the human society about the declining health of the earth. It started nearly forty five years ago. the worlds first nationwide green party was founded in New Zealand in the year 1972. It shifted human perception of the world from the mechanistic view to a holistic and ecological view. After the impact of this movement for the first time in human history people began to think that the earth is a living organism- an enormous being of which they are part and it has own metabolic needs and vital processes that need to be respected and preserved.



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